Farmers market

Saturday at the market

Another great Saturday in the books. Saturdays at the Meadville Market House are always a good time, and Second Saturdays especially so. It was lovely catching up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile. And it was such a beautiful day, I took a stroll around town after market and treated myself to lunch at Kettle Lake Kitchen. The fun is back in farming for me.

~ Stella

First planting of the season

With the first farmers market about three weeks away, it was definitely time to get plants out of the propagation greenhouse and in the ground.

We were all feeling (mostly) better after a round of colds, so we headed up to the farm to plant kale (green curly, purple, and red), collards, Swiss chard, lettuce, and green onions. We’ll be seeding radishes and a few other things this weekend.

After a long break, Jason will soon get microgreens going for the Saturday, May 6, market at the Meadville Market House.

It was a beautiful, warm night, and we could hear the peepers in the woods. Ever since last season ended, Jason and I (and Silas, too) have been mostly working from our computers, and it felt good to get back on the farm. The garter snakes are back. The spiders and bugs are back, and so are the frogs, groundhogs, kale, and Ruggieros. See you all soon! Enjoy the lovely weather.

~ Stella