Today's achievements

Got a lot of work done on Day 2 of Jason’s vacation. But the BEST part of today was when Silas said OK to taking his training wheels off! Jason supported him with a light touch for just a few steps before he zoomed off on his own! He even rode down the big hill at the farm! What a day.

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We learned a lesson with the landscape fabric in the high tunnels. Putting the fabric down in early spring might not be the best idea. We had a ridiculously annoying and costly vole problem in April. They offed about $400 worth of broccoli plants, and chomped almost a bed and a half of kale and parsley in the tunnel shown above.

With the broccoli wiped out, we seeded four rows of beans in that space as damage control.

To deal with the voles, we set traps and enlisted the help of two terriers. The remaining kale had a chance to get some size, and the parsley is recovering. This week, we’re replacing the eaten kale transplants.

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The first two beds of landscape fabric are full of lettuce. The beds on the right are kale transplants.

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There he goes!!!

~ Stella